Enjoy brain training created by scientists and game designers. Disfruta de un entrenamiento cerebral creado por cient ficos y dise adores de juegos. Lumosity. 2.5M likes. A leading brain training and neuroscience research company. Best IDEA🔥 Turn your dog into a Genius. Build tricks with a fun free game. No more barking, chewing,. and many more. Obedience training with commands. is tracked by us since June, 2013. It was hosted by LLC. While was its first registrar, now it is moved to 評価・レビュー 【レビュー】4.2@Google Play 4.2@Apple Store 【ダウンロード数】10,000,000以上. 特徴・内容 「Lumocity – 脳トレ」は. La sensaci n de que se est perdiendo la memoria es una consulta frecuente. En mi experiencia se da m s en la d cada de los 50-60 a os y preocupa.